HELLO WORLD! OPEN LETTER TO PRO-NUKER KILLER KNUCKLEHEADS and their lurking Sympathizers in Fukushima Nuke-Ghetto GROUPS! CRY!

  ALL REACTORS LEAK ALL THE TIME.  FUKUSHIMA HAS MULTIPLE REACTORS IN MELTDOWN, SINCE MARCH 11, 2011. FUKUSHIMA MELTDOWNS have already dumped radioactive waste into the Pacific Ocean.  Continued willful ignorance, arrogance,  learned helplessness, and defiance of the knowledge that the ocean contamination has already happened is—> brutal stupidity.  There is no Chernobyl-type solution.  How … Continue reading HELLO WORLD! OPEN LETTER TO PRO-NUKER KILLER KNUCKLEHEADS and their lurking Sympathizers in Fukushima Nuke-Ghetto GROUPS! CRY!